A European court ruled earlier this year that Google and other search engines could be held responsible for personal information from third party website pages that appear in a search engine results page (SERP).
Google offers the ability for users to submit content removal requests from one of their European Search Engines. Before you rush off to request the removal of content, here are a few things to consider…
Supports of the new legislation are touting that it will provide a platform for both people and businesses to be able to have greater control of the information published in one of the world’s most popular search engines.
Internet truist’s believe that the new law will taint the search engine results and thus provide disingenuous information for users of Google properties. Further, that a policy such as the ‘Right to Be Forgotten’ legislation opens the door for further cleansing of data on other Internet properties via other means.
Below are a few of the properties operated globally by Google that can be reviewed in consideration for a content removal request from a European Google Search Engine:
The following are a list of European nations that are impacted by the recent court ruling and that possess a Google search index specific to its country name:
If you, or your company, are negatively impacted by outdated and irrelevant content displayed in Google’s European Search Index, then we encourage you to contact the Online Reputation Management Experts at BizHive.